BitTube is a social media site designed to allow users to freely post videos and other content.
BitTube does not serve advertisements.
Even if there is a reasonable delay before the data is fully deleted (as is common), the data still counts as "permanently deleted" and satisfies the parameters for this question.
Data deletion is not mentioned in the Privacy Policy, however there is a button in the first settings menu.
This may come in the form of outright data sharing or by using local third-party analytics software (such as Google Analytics, which collects a plethora of user information).
Note that whether the policy allows sharing aggregated user data does not affect this question.
If the personal data is encrypted when it passes through the third-party, it does not count as third-party access (as the data is inaccessible to that party).
If personal data has been made public by, for example, posting it to a blog, it does not count as private personal information (and is therefore not considered by this question).
- How our services uses and discloses collected information
We use the collected usage and analytics information to maintain and improve our website and gain insight into how our services are being used. Our services sometimes share anonymized and aggregated information that cannot be associated with an individual with third parties or the public
All data is anonymized before being shared.
Not Mentioned
- Data security
We took measures to protect the security of your email from loss, misuse, unauthorized access or disclosure, alteration, or destruction.
All anonymous usage information that our services collects is stored in our databases and we takes reasonable steps to keep it secure. That said, no database or server is 100% secure and we cannot guarantee the absolute security of your data in our system or while being transmitted over the Internet. Our best effort is given, but you use our services at your own risk
- Changes and updates to this policy
We reserves the right to change this policy for any reason, and may make small, inconsequential changes to this policy with or without notice. Each time this policy is changed we will revise the "Effective Date" at the top of this page. Your continued use of the our services constitutes your agreement to this Privacy Policy and any revisions or updates.
Note that all companies operating in the EU are subject to Art. 33 of the GDPR, which requires companies to notify their data protection authority of a data breach within 72 hours of discovering it.
There is no mention of data breaches in the privacy policy.
- Changes and updates to this policy
We reserves the right to change this policy for any reason, and may make small, inconsequential changes to this policy with or without notice. Each time this policy is changed we will revise the "Effective Date" at the top of this page. Your continued use of the our services constitutes your agreement to this Privacy Policy and any revisions or updates.
This includes the use of data brokers and independent verification authorities (such as background check providers).
If you decide to register through or otherwise grant access to a third-party social networking or integrated service (what we call an "Integrated Services"), such as Facebook Connect or Google. BitTube may also collect Personal Information that is already associated with your Integrated Service account. You may also have the option of sharing additional information with BitTube through an Integrated Service. If you choose to provide such information during registration or otherwise, you are giving BitTube the permission to use and store it in a manner consistent with this Privacy Policy.
- Information our services collect
We collect several types of information, such as:
1.1. Anonymous information
Our services captures anonymous usage information, including but not limited to: current browser version and operating system type.
1.2 Personally identifiable information (PII)
Information that you provide.
You may provide us with a name and e-mail address.
To verify that you are human and change your account status as "verified" we ask you for a phone number and perform a check via SMS verification code submission.
- Cookies
We use cookies for the purpose of your connection and session on our Website's servers, distinguish you from other users of our Website, obtaining Website activity and in some cases for security and authentication purposes. For more information check our Cookies Policy.
Some services allow users to opt-out or opt-in to of non-critical collection or use of personal data, such as collecting data for personalized advertisements.
Website Activity
Certain none PII Website activity information is automatically collected and logged by our servers. Such information includes IP address used to connect user's computer to the Internet, username (if applicable), date and time of visit, length of visits to certain pages.Analytics
Our services uses various analytics services to aggregate information about traffic patterns and how our website is used.
- Information our services collect
We collect several types of information, such as:
1.1. Anonymous information
Our services captures anonymous usage information, including but not limited to: current browser version and operating system type.
1.2 Personally identifiable information (PII)
Information that you provide.
You may provide us with a name and e-mail address.
To verify that you are human and change your account status as "verified" we ask you for a phone number and perform a check via SMS verification code submission.
Last Updated
March 27, 2021